Classroom Tour: Language Station

At this station, my students work on their fluency skills related to a variety of topics with an assistant.  I take skills each student has "mastered" and turn them into flashcards.  At this station, students work on getting faster at these skills. As I have said before, it is speed and accuracy which makes a skill functional.  If it takes a child 2 minutes to tell you the value of a quarter, the skill is not functional.  The most common sets of flashcards my students have are related to money (identifying coins, identifying value, value of coin combinations), telling time (to the hour, half hour, quarter hour, 5 minutes, 1 minute), sight words, labeling pictures (animals, foods, people, transportation, clothes, school items, etc), and labeling numbers/letters.

Each child has their own flashcards (usually 3-4 sets) stored in a box..

The assistant sets the timer, goes through the cards with the student, and records the numbers of corrects/incorrects in the child's data binder (I later chart these on my iPad).  Then the assistant works on practicing the cards the student is struggling with the most.

Since I don't have the luxury of having one-on-one instruction at all my stations, there are usually two students assigned to this station at once.  One student works with the assistant (as described above) and the other student works on handwriting or simple comprehension worksheets independently.  Their work is stored in binders.  Work is divided into 3 sections and the student is supposed to complete one worksheet from each section (work varies based on students level).

 Here are some samples of flashcard sets:

Time (I cut these out from a time worksheet)

Dolch Words.  Each student who reads, has flashcards of the list at their appropriate level.

Coin name and value.  I used real coins and taped them onto the note cards.  I have coins taped so both the fronts and backs are showing.

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