Classroom Tour: Reading/Math Centers

These are two other independent stations which focus specifically on reading/math skills.  Again, students complete these independently and the work they complete at these stations are meant to focus on skills in which they require additional practice (but they do not work on learning new skills at this station).  I have these two stations set up to be completed at the same table.  Math tasks/schedules are on the left and Reading tasks/schedules are on the right.  My kids complete reading in the AM as a part of a rotation and math in the PM as part of a rotation.

How it Works:
*Students come to station and check their schedule.
*Students grab work according to their schedule.
*Students do their work.
*Students put finished work back in bag and place in designated "finished" crate.
Teaching assistants take apart the work and set up for the next day.

Set Up (What you need):
*Schedule of work for kids
For Math, I labeled the tasks with Numbers.      For Reading, I used Letters.
For these schedules, students do not remove pictures (even though they are velcroed).  They just use them as a guide for which tasks they are doing each day.  I blurred out names, but the names are listed on the left of the schedules and the assigned tasks are velcroed in the spaces next to their name.


*List of tasks each child can do (for adults setting up the schedule)
This is listed next to the schedules in the above pictures.  I just circled (with dry erase marker) the letters/numbers of tasks each child could do independently.

*Place to store tasks
Math Tasks (left picture)                                       Reading Tasks (right picture)

*Tasks related to math/reading (most of these are from lakeshore centers that I adapted for my kids)

Reading Tasks:
Matching words to create sentences. (some students also have to write the sentences on notebook paper)

Pop the dice and fill in the initial letter of the words.

Sort pictures of words beginning with vowels.

Math Tasks
                                         Coin Sorting                                               Counting Animals and Graphing

                Sorting by color

*Place to put "finished" work.  I use these milk crates from the lunch room!

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