Happy October!!

Well, we survived September!!  I can't even tell you how excited my students are that it is October...I think this is one of their favorite months (due to Halloween).  We talked at length this morning about Halloween costumes, candy, and party activities...too bad they still basically have a month until Halloween actually arrives!  Anyways, on the first day of each month, I send home a newsletter and calendar to my students' parents.  Many of the parents have told me they post these at home to help their child with understanding days with school/no school as well as the concept of waiting for special events (field trips, holidays, etc.)

CALENDAR:  I also post the same calendar in my classroom as well as include them in each student's binder (right by their schedules) so they can keep track of events and cross of each day as they pass.  (Some of my students with more advanced calendar/writing skills use the calendar I mentioned here in another post).  

My newsletter usually consists of a few things:
* Explanations of field trips  *Days off of school  *Holiday party info  *New themes/topics we are covering 
After special events, field trips, or holiday parties, I usually send home additional newsletters with pictures for the kids to show/discuss with their families.

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