Currently May

Hooray for May!!  I love so many things about this time of year...warmer weather, beautiful green trees and blooming flowers, and MY LAST WEEK OF GRAD SCHOOL!  Obviously...I am currently the most excited about that!  Well, onto this month's Currently.  Hope over to Farley's blog to join in.  I love doing this link-up every month...I always find so many awesome new blogs to follow!!

Listening:  I love relaxing on the weekends and catching up on my DVR'd shows...seriously, I am so thankful for this invention (and not having to use my VCR to tape shows like I did in high school!).

Loving:  This weekend is my mom's birthday...and since we don't live in the same state, it has been a few years since I have been able to spend her actual birthday with her.  Thankfully, this year I get to!  Can't wait to celebrate with my family this weekend!

Thinking:  So, we pretty much figured out our class lists for next year.  And of course, all I can do now is think about all the things I want to implement next year, changes I want to make to my current classroom set-up, as well as trying to get to know my newbies!

Wanting:  I ordered my wedding pictures last week, and am SO EXCITED to get them.  Since we got married in Mexico, they are mailing us a huge package of prints, CDs, and a photo book!  They were nice enough to email one picture I wanted right away....not sure if you guys care, but I am posting it anyway!
Needing:  It was literally in the 80s a few days we are back in the 50s.  At least we aren't having snow like my friends and family in MN!  But, I think we could all go for a little warmer weather!

Summer Bucket List:  I joined a beach volleyball league, so am excited for that!  Also, this is the first year I am living in a building with a pool, so I want to get in as many pool days as possible!  We got an awesome pasta maker and pasta cookbook for our wedding.  I have been so busy with wedding stuff and finishing up grad school, that we haven't had a chance to use them yet!

Happy May!

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