Flash Card Fluency Timings
Inside the data binders are data sheets that look like this. There is a space to write in the set (i.e. sight words, time, $, etc.) Also, there is a space to indicate total number of flashcards in the deck (so you don't have to count all the cards every time). There is also a space for the length of the timing (some we do for 30 seconds and others for 1 minute). All the assistant has to do is complete flashcards for the indicated length of time. As she goes, she sorts the cards into 2 piles (one for corrects and one for incorrects). Then, she counts up the two piles and writes them into the data sheet.
We use a bunch of different types of flashcards for a variety of learning levels. Some kids are working on telling time to the hour, half hour, quarter hour, 5 minutes, or 1 minute. Some students are working on reading digital time.
For money, some students are working on money combinations, while others are working on identifying names and values (with real coins taped onto the flashcards).
WE have a variety of sight word flashcards for the Dolch words, functional words, seasonal words, or other common words.
Some students are working on identifying people in the class, so I have a deck of cards with everyone's pictures.
Some students are working on identifying pictures of common objects, animals, and foods. For non-verbal students, we use these cards to work on receptive identification.
Some students are working on identifying letters and numbers. Each kid has 3 sets of flashcards they are working with at a time. They are stored in a little notecard holder.
Since each station has 2 students at a time, the student who is not doing a timing is busy doing worksheets in their binder. They have mazes, word/letter searchers, handwriting sheets, fill in the blanks, sentence writing, etc.
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