I have some FABULOUS news...3 of my students are going to be in the school spelling bee.  I have included kids in the past, but had them participate with modifications.  We had an adapted list of words (shortened) that my students were asked to spell during the competition.  This year, I think that 2 of my students will be able to participate without an adapted list.  We started less than a week ago, and we have already gone through 40 words!  And my kids LOVE it.  They have been using all of their free time to "practice."  I assigned spelling bee words for homework, and they all rushed back to school the next day to show me their "special homework."  

Here are some of things we have been doing to work on our spelling words.  We have had spelling competitions by spelling our words out loud as well as taking spelling tests on paper.  My kids have been reading the words out loud during "quiet reading" and then spelling them as they look at them.  I put five words on each big post-it, and used a different color for every set, to help them visualize the different words.

For homework, they wrote the words three times each.  The only bummer is that my kids participating are in fourth grade and are going up against 5th and 6th graders!  I'm so excited for them, but also a little nervous about how one little guy is going to react if he gets out.  As we get closer to the date, we will be doing some practice sessions on the stage with the microphone to help them get ready.  Also, we will definitely practice "getting out" so there are no temper tantrums on the stage during the actual event.  I will definitely be keeping you posted on how it goes!!

Also, today there is a Teacher Appreciation Sale at Teachers Pay Teachers.  Everything in my store will be 28% off!  Check out my store by clicking here or on the photo below.

Also, if you are looking for a banner to use for your sale....feel free to use the one I made below.

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