100 Follower Give-Away

I am SUPER excited to have hit 100 followers last week!  When I started this blog last summer, I really had no idea if anyone would ever read it... let alone that I would have people follow me!  I have loved every minute of blogging...especially hearing your feedback and comments.  I also LOVE getting emails from people about their classrooms or asking me questions about mine!  This has been such a great place to be able to collaborate with so many fabulous teachers.  My classroom has become a more engaging place thanks to all the ideas I have got from some of your blogs!  I guess my point is that I am so grateful to all of you...so to show my gratitude, I decided to  try out a true blog give-away contest!  The prize is your pick of any product from my Teachers Pay Teachers Store.

I have never done this before, so hoping this works!   a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck!  And here is the link to my TPT store, so you scope out the items you can win: http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Hailey-Deloya

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